Sunday, December 21, 2014
The Pain and Perspective of Murder
Monday, December 15, 2014
2014 Holiday Retrospective
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Janay Rice - A Study In Self Worth
Another Year and A Goodbye to Resolutions
Friday, November 28, 2014
Struggling With Gratitude
Sunday, October 19, 2014
A Reality More Beautiful Than Any Fairy Tale
In my eyes she has always been a fairy tale princess. The perfect ride or die chick. She is beautiful, brilliant, kind and strong. She is the prissy girl that can still kick off her Louboutins and change a tire. Her heart is larger than the state of Texas and this weekend that heart was forever joined to the love of her life Greg Tyler. We have been friends for more than a decade and in that time I have been privy to Marcia's undying love for Greg. Isn't that what real fairy tales are made of? The magic that triumphs through pain, the love that finds a way beyond the years. I'm so proud of my girl. Love has won. It isn't a fairy tale, but a palpable reality that, with continued nurturing, will live forever.
Keep passing the open windows...
Friday, April 18, 2014
Fixer or Homewrecker? Scandal Season 3 Finale

Has Scandal creator Shonda Rhimes turned our fearless, fashion-forward Washington fixer into a common DC homewrecker? Kerry Washington's pregnancy may have thrown the steamy writing for a loop in season 3 of Scandal leaving some feeling like the once invincible gladiator princess has been reduced to a shaky weak damsel in distress who turns to giving up the goodies to try to score some wins. The finale highlighted the nail in Olivia's leverage coffin when she failed to control the media coverage during the firestorm at the church bombing. Scandal is a phenomenon that has captured viewers with the strength of its heroine and we can only hope that Kerry's real-life pregnancy doesn't prove to be the proverbial Rosemary's baby for Scandal. Fans can only hope that Kerry will return to season 4 ready to restore Olivia to the powerhouse that made Scandal must-see TV, otherwise Scandal will be just another sitcom drama about a cute chick that's sleeping around to get ahead.
- Keep passin' the open windows.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
The Happy Sad
Keep passin' the open windows...
Sunday, March 23, 2014
We Are - Past, Present, Future
Keep passin' the open windows...
Sunday, February 23, 2014
The Bridge of Yu Gi-Oh
Our son absolutely loves playing Yu Gi-Oh cards. It's a pretty complicated card game that pits monsters against each other - all with different attack and defense levels - while pairing these with spell and trap cards. All cards have an assigned point value that gets tallied when the cards are played against each other. All to say that I would never play such a complicated game in my youth and would probably not take on such a stressful card game as an adult except as I mentioned at the start, our son loves the game and I'm interested in having brief moments when we're not the old and uncool ATM in the bedroom next door. Now, it turns out that my playing the game with him has again reminded me to think out of the box to keep a connection with our teen for as long as we can.
Keep passin' the open windows...
Thursday, February 20, 2014
If We Could Fix Our Mistakes
As I look back I recognize that I've had a very full life. I think I always did what I really wanted to do and quite honestly, it wasn't all good. As I look back at some of my bigger mistakes, I always wondered where would I be and what would be different if I hadn't done things a certain way or if I had made different choices. The great thing about getting older is that hopefully we can see things more clearly and make better choices. The epiphany I've had about my life and my mistakes is that the only real-world fix to our mistakes (big or small) is to not repeat them. In a way it says you recognize the error of your ways. So, I've stopped wishing I'd done things differently and accepted that making it all better is all about making the right choices now and not repeating everything that can bring waves of angst and regret.
Keep passin' the open windows...
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Taking the Good With the Bad
When we moved into our house a little over two years ago, we were told that upstate NY can have pretty treacherous weather, but the first year we had a total of 6" of snowfall the entire winter. We really thought that the folks around us exaggerated the winters north of NYC until this year. We've had more than 30" of snowfall since the start of winter. The back-breaking work it takes to get the property cleared is quite the undertaking. Then there is the everyday wonderful that is Orange County NY. The beautiful rich colors of fall, the bargain basement square footage pricing and - for us - a comfy and convenient location. So I carefully measure the pros and cons and recognize that, like life, upstate NY has really easygoing years where the weather is a breeze and life is easy and then there are the tear-inducing years that bring several feet of snowfall. Through it all you have to stick around through some crappy times to enjoy the great times. Life isn't all a bed of roses and those who -sadly - don't wait around for another good spell falter, fail and give up right before the great hits.
Keep passin' the open windows...
Friday, February 14, 2014
Valentine's Reality
Keep passin' the open windows...
Saturday, February 08, 2014
MUSIC REVIEW: Luck Fové, Khary Mallea; iTunes/Googleplay: 2/11/14

- Keep passin' the open windows.
Location:New York, NY