If there’s something that I’m surprised about in this day and age is how folks not only want your help, they want your help THEIR way. If they’d like a ride to the grocery store they want to tell you what time is convenient for THEM; if they need to have you work on something, they will insert the word “NOW” as if you are supposed to drop everything you are doing to accommodate their needs.
BREAKING NEWS: When you need someone’s help OR someone offers their help, that assistance puts you at the whim of the provider.
There’s nothing to interpret. Life is not always fair. If you need help, you make yourself available when I can provide that help. If you want me to step in, you have to be prepared to deal with whatever it is I shell out.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Today you need help; tomorrow I may need help. In light of the fact that today is YOUR day – and you are the one in need – you need to be humble, accessible, available and grateful to receive my assistance.
You see, I’m really a giving person, but I hate to feel punked.
Keep passin’ the open windows…