More than one hour and twenty five minutes, on what should be a 20 minute ride, I was still trapped underground on NYC,s Subway. I quietly reflected on how one train malfunction or one sick passenger can easily cripple the world's largest train system. It is for this reason - among others - that terrorist and crazies alike target the Big Apple's aging mass transportation system. I have only one wish with regard to this...that my loved ones and I are not on the train when (and I absolutely mean when) the BIG disaster happens. NYC's transit system is ill equipped, poorly run and a sitting duck that WILL suffer many victims when the horror of a real emergency occurs.
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-- Posted from my iPhone
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
More to Come; TV News Today
Things aren't always as they appear. As the news breaks revealing facts that didn't seem initially plausible, our sensibility deteriorates. Affairs with God fearing men, murders by mothers, even heads of state being forced to fess-up to marital mayhem. It is now commonplace for many of us to look at newstories with a raised eyebrow. Maybe the question marks were always there. I'm sure society hasn't had a bout of moral decay that has rendered us coniving animals. What has definitely changed is technology. We now can pan to the video feed of Bill leaving Sally's crib or the mobile phone records of Maria calling 911 two days after strangling her kids. Shows like CSI, NCIS and Law and Order are near accurate portrayals of the amazing unraveling precision law enforcement agencies now use to solve crimes. Watching the news is only part one of current events. All newstories should offer-up the disclaimer that there is more to come.
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Thursday, October 22, 2009
Nails In the Personal Hygiene Coffin
Personal hygiene. Seems like a universal concept, but in reality it is a learned behavior that some, well, haven't really learned. Today, as the trained chugged along I gazed upon a human hand with claws extending more than three inches from the end of each finger. Unable to make something as basic as a balled-up fist, please tell me how this person wipes after using the bathroom? Assuming there's some freakish method to accomplishing that, where do they work? Can they type or pick up a small item? Aside from checking frequently, how are they sure there isn't residue lingering under these pint-sized machetes? I'm all for accessorizing - for God's sake I'm gay - but when form defeats function and you willingly render yourself disabled OR worse, a breeding ground for ecoli, I believe it's time to maybe invest in a charm bracelet and leave the unsightly potential pooper-scoopers to the guys walking behind elephants at the circus.
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Monday, October 19, 2009
Fact vs Non Fiction
No matter how you put it the truth is the truth. The last week or so I have been very physically uncomfortable. Work slacks wouldn't button, shirts felt constricting and last year's coats felt like grandmas shawl...snug. When I considered buying jeans to fit the new size, I realized that it wasn't just the numbers on the waist that would change, but also my dedication to keeping a healthy size. I dumped both pairs at the nearest rack and marched out of the store. Instead I told myself to tell the truth. Happy or not, I don't care for buying clothes because I'm eating irresponsibly an treating my body carelessly. Today I left the house with an extra gym bag. For years I made time for myself and hit the gym during my lunch hour. It will start again today. The truth is the truth and I honestly can't accept a compliment or a good word if it doesn't ring true to me.
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Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Running Your Trap
As i ride the train each morning I realize that I'm increasing my iPod volume to new heights in an effort to drown the chatter out. Now, I like to converse as much as the next guy, but the persistent chatter is irritating - especially when in closed spaces. It then struck me that many of the folks afflicted with Verbal Brake Failure (VBF) are complaining about being single, the disappointment of getting played, the bitch at work that "don't" like them and so on. I wondered if the chatter started because of the issues or were the issues directly related to the consistent running of the mouth. Do some folks talk too f*cking much? Could it be that part of the despair these folks are in can be traced to not knowing how to shut their trap? Well, the jury is still out, but take note, if by 10am you're already on your third 30 minute conversation, you may need to consider that the reason you're having issues with folks at work, school or even your disgruntled partner are a result of running your mouth.
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Saturday, October 10, 2009
Todo Cambio
Sometimes it's hard telling folks that you love them. The alternative is that they spend valuable time trying to figure out if you do. Sometimes it's hard to show someone you care and ultimately, time extinguishes the opportunities to ever have a glimmer of it reveal itself. I've promised myself that it will not be the case with BD. Every day I tell him how much I love him. Every day I tell him how important he is to me. Todo cambio (the song featured above - words conveys these thoughts. They tell of how everything changed when I met BD. My black and white life is now in color. Tomorrow is not guaranteed...I choose to tell him today. Baby, everything changed when you came into my life and it's all good.
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Friday, October 09, 2009
Mojo Back? Pres Wins Nobel Prize
On the heels of, what many considered a failed attempt at securing the Olympics for the U.S., President Obama wins the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. What struck me as comical is how various media outlets quickly lined-up their firing squads to criticize how undeserved Pres Obama is of this prestigious honor. It would appear that the divine O - not to be confused with media mogul Ms. O - can't do right by some folks. The reality is that the Nobel Peace Prize solidifies the President's apparent universal charm, respect and golden-boy persona. Say what you will but we now have a President with the Midas touch. His wins far outnumber his loses and whether he's the antonym to the worldwide disdain for Bush or held to a side-by-side comparison with successes of any other historical figure, President Obama is a man to admire, praise and behold with wonder. Congrats to the once underdog to the Presidency who today can celebrate being a stellar father, a revered President, and now, a Nobel Peace Prize Winner...not bad for a guy who many thought had lost his mojo.
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Thursday, October 08, 2009
Save A Child; Shop Online and are my mainstays. I just don't have the patience and foot arch to shop retail. To make the pot even sweeter, saving more than 30%-70% each visit is an incentive I just can't turn down. I have a pretty colorful personality, but my office and casual attire are very tan and grey. Now I know there's some queen from my earlier club days that's reading this sucking her teeth like she just ate corn, but on the real, those club-wear days are long gone. Replaced by love handles that have love handles, I have learned that certain trends are left to the Desperate Housegays and not a middle-aged man who spends the bulk of his time with white collar America. It's also a great feeling when I sit at my desk with a cup of espresso and page through various websites and not have to interrupt an irritated teenager forcing them to text their BFF how she is fishing a pair of extra large cords from the stock room for an irate former legend-in-his-own-mind. Now, instead of soaking my feet at the end of a long shopping day, I can soak my hands to prepare for that manicure courtesy of that nifty mani-pedi kit I bought online. Yeah, I take the occasional stroll to a retail store every now and again - I mean even an aging kitty needs a scratch post to keep those claws sharp - and when I do it's pure entertainment. The Minnie thanks me for not dragging him from store to store and those kids working retail, well they get to be lazy another day.
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Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Trojan Horse of Relationships
I can cop to being possessive when it comes to my partner. Do I act insane, inappropriate or odd when questionable scenarios present themselves? No. I think I'm mature enough to discern what issues need to be called to question or slid under the harmless-flirtation rug. There are also ways to mitigate lots of the drama that can asail your relationship by slimpy staying away from potentially volatile situations. Some of these can include:
1. Frequent visits to establishments geared toward facilitating the meeting of new folks (clubs, bars, lounges). These venues are great if you're single and ready to mingle, but as a committed partner these dens of iniquities (lol) tend to encourage irresponsible behavior. The free flowing alcohol doesn't help make better judgment calls either.
2. Secrets or the what-he-doesn't-know theory can be deadly to the trust and loyalty fostered in a relationship. I've learned to not say or do anything that I wouldn't say or do in front of my partner. Questionable talk and actions have a way of mysteriously traveling to the one person you're keeping it from. If you conceal things from your partner you should prepare yourself for the imminent end of a healthy relationship.
3. Your friends don't need a ringside seat to all that happens in your partnership nor should they be in a position to be very familiar with your partner. Now many will disagree with this point but trust me on this one. Your friends should be cordial and respectful of your man not his best buddy on speed dial. Familiarity breeds contempt...most times, a contempt for you.
Jealousy is not healthy, but sincere and conscious caution is. If you have strong pangs that something isn't right, it probably isn't. Trust yourself first and foremost. You're the one you have to live with until death has you part.
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1. Frequent visits to establishments geared toward facilitating the meeting of new folks (clubs, bars, lounges). These venues are great if you're single and ready to mingle, but as a committed partner these dens of iniquities (lol) tend to encourage irresponsible behavior. The free flowing alcohol doesn't help make better judgment calls either.
2. Secrets or the what-he-doesn't-know theory can be deadly to the trust and loyalty fostered in a relationship. I've learned to not say or do anything that I wouldn't say or do in front of my partner. Questionable talk and actions have a way of mysteriously traveling to the one person you're keeping it from. If you conceal things from your partner you should prepare yourself for the imminent end of a healthy relationship.
3. Your friends don't need a ringside seat to all that happens in your partnership nor should they be in a position to be very familiar with your partner. Now many will disagree with this point but trust me on this one. Your friends should be cordial and respectful of your man not his best buddy on speed dial. Familiarity breeds contempt...most times, a contempt for you.
Jealousy is not healthy, but sincere and conscious caution is. If you have strong pangs that something isn't right, it probably isn't. Trust yourself first and foremost. You're the one you have to live with until death has you part.
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Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Escape the Matrix
Could it be that at the clearest point of our lives, the matrix that was our lives, fights to have us question our sanity? As children we sing out loud, joke with imagination, dream in color and trust with abandon. Slowly we are worn down to individuals afraid to show any real emotion. Skeletons of our youthful life. Taught that smiling at strangers is freaky and dancing when we hear music is uncool. In many ways I've come full circle. I refuse to wait until my bones are brittle before I return to that happy abandon. I sing and act silly wherever and wherever. I joke about the most serious subjects - hey, it's never that serious. Maybe it has changed the direction my soul was taking. Crippled by adulthood many of us suffer from love-of-life atrophy. Ingest the cure. Abandon the road map that sent you down Miserable Avenue and recognize that One-Shot-At-Life Highway runs more smoothly, has less jarring stops-and-starts and can even be driven in cruise control at times. See ya' at the destination...hopefully you considered making it a comfy ride.
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Monday, October 05, 2009
Heartprints As Gifts
Before you go spending the big bucks or busting that credit card up, think of this little fact. It's the meaningful, personal and heartfelt gifts that are most appreciated and remembered. Throughout my life, slices of kindness ring true, not that new Pontiac Trans Am that I ultimately paid in self respect for. Marcia's cup cakes delivered on her off day, Colleen's ride to the airport at 5 am and even that framed picture of my, now deceased friend and I, skillfully wrapped by Clent on my birthday; they all left indelible heart prints. At a time when folks are struggling to stay afloat in the midst of drowning bills, it's a good time to consider giving with your heart. Long after the economy turns around, your gift will stand out as a show of love and not lofty spending.
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Sunday, October 04, 2009
Unhappy Birthday Bobby
I hear myself speak and I remember back to a time when you stayed with me and folks couldn't tell us apart on the phone. Today you would've turned 45 years old. So much of my history went up in smoke that day last May when you died, and yet, by the look of things, you live on in my heart. It's an unhappy birthday! I miss you.
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Friday, October 02, 2009
Dog Gone It
I’m no stranger to bad decisions. As you might remember, it wasn’t long ago – January of this year to be exact – that I adopted Bruce, a Weimaraner pup. Bruce was beautiful, but he was more than a handful to care for. At over 70 lbs., at just 5 months, I realized Bruce needed lots of space and a boat load of exercise. Lately, I’ve had this overwhelming desire to add a new pup to my one dog family; one that would be easier to care for than the likes of Bruce, but have a little spunk to him/her. I narrowed my choice down to two breeds – Dachshunds and Basset Hounds – and even the decided I’d like a female dog, since I already have Busta – a male Miniature Schnauzer. Today, I narrowed my choice down further and will be deciding between the two female dachshund pups pictured below. The larger pup is 5 months old, while the smaller pup is almost 4 months old. Both are healthy, purebred pups with a lot to offer. Rather than skew your initial thought, I’m curious to which pup you would choose if asked to pick one. On Monday, I’ll tell you what pup I’m leaning toward to make part of my family.

None. Wait until your Schnauzer kicks the bucket.
On Blast
1-2 or 3...Pick a pup…which pup do you like best? (top, larger pup OR bottom, smaller pup)
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None. Wait until your Schnauzer kicks the bucket.
On Blast
1-2 or 3...Pick a pup…which pup do you like best? (top, larger pup OR bottom, smaller pup)
Keep passin’ the open windows…
It's sometimes difficult to accept that, in general, life is selfish. I say life because whether you're interacting with folks at work or just chiilin' with your friends some core rules should be observed. Now you're not going to agree with all of them and this is obviously not a complete list, but if you remember these you'll have the framework for success.
1. What's in it for me? That's right, folks will want to know how your new way of handling a project, choice of club or suggested eatery benefits them. Anticipate your suggestions and ideas with a plan of how they benefit those they are being presented to. In the end, it's unlikely that anyone will care how your ideas make YOUR life easier to manage.
2. How does your idea have more value? The green still has an enormous effect on the decisions folks make. In America, money - making and saving it - play a huge part in swaying which direction people will take. Know how your suggestion adds value by showing how your colleagues and friends are getting the best quality for the least money.
3. Even cucumbers can be pickled if they sit long enough. Be slow and steady. Stay firm and cool after you've presented your ideas. Don't hound folks and don't flip-flop about your well-thought out plan. Sounding shifty can sway someone hinging their decision on your confidence and resolve.
Give it a shot. See how these three ideas work for you. There are a million ways to walk, but swagger begins with something as basic as putting one foot in front if the other.
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1. What's in it for me? That's right, folks will want to know how your new way of handling a project, choice of club or suggested eatery benefits them. Anticipate your suggestions and ideas with a plan of how they benefit those they are being presented to. In the end, it's unlikely that anyone will care how your ideas make YOUR life easier to manage.
2. How does your idea have more value? The green still has an enormous effect on the decisions folks make. In America, money - making and saving it - play a huge part in swaying which direction people will take. Know how your suggestion adds value by showing how your colleagues and friends are getting the best quality for the least money.
3. Even cucumbers can be pickled if they sit long enough. Be slow and steady. Stay firm and cool after you've presented your ideas. Don't hound folks and don't flip-flop about your well-thought out plan. Sounding shifty can sway someone hinging their decision on your confidence and resolve.
Give it a shot. See how these three ideas work for you. There are a million ways to walk, but swagger begins with something as basic as putting one foot in front if the other.
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Thursday, October 01, 2009
America; Love It Or Leave It
There's a lot to be said about a country made up of so many different cultures, religious beliefs and social differences. Americans are in a cocoon of virtual safety with regard to their civil rights. This isn't to say that there aren't injustices we'd like to see resolved. It simply means that America is a country that acts like it gives a f*ck. For all the complaints made about her, America allows her citizens to vote on who will represent them and their interests. I guess when we're feeling down on our country, our President, our laws, we should take a look abroad. America isn't perfect but it cares to try. Somehow that's what makes our country the richest democracy; a country people die everyday to reach; the land of milk and honey for all. For all our differences we should defend America's reputation for striving to do right by all.
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