Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Circle of Life

I can think back to my childhood years, my teens and even my thirties. As I enter my forties I'm conscious of my body changing and how the babies I once knew are now becoming adults and having babies of their own. The circle of life; that unstoppable reality that either plows ahead dragging you with it or buries you lifeless before leaving you behind. It's unquestionably the healthier alternative to grow old. To watch your body deteriorate - disintegrate really - and revert to that toothless bald baby you came into this world as is not a thought many of us look forward to. I often look at teens and wonder if I was that rambunctious in my early years and more important, do I resent not having the blinders of youth that make you move forward with an impenetrable fearlessness. It's a quiet secret, but just as the prospect of dying is scary, so is the prospect of growing old; watching as loved ones leave you and feeling a sense of disconnect with the gray-haired man looking back at you from the mirror. It's the circle of life. A short timeline that turns the baby into the grandad and the fashionista into the shuffle board champion. Here's to sharing some of that timeline along the way.

Keep passin' the open windows...

- Mobile post from my iPhone


Unknown said...

I love the circle of life...don't fear it like so many out there...

"Leonarczyk" said...

hey, i like your blog, you're a very good writer !

Anonymous said...

while I would love to be back in shape and be able to leap small buildings and people in a single bound I've come to realize that the prettiest people, the most perfect people, the people with the washboard abs and the toned arms...they have problems too...sometimes worse than mine.

so, I am more forgiving of my flaws and am less inclined to beat up on myself than before. Maybe that too is part of the circle.

we'll all be dead someday no matter how much we try to deny it. LOL.