Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kidnapping As A Tool

Maybe I'm just making light of a very serious issue, but the news media is highlighting several cases of men who have lost their children to mother's who have fled the country to places around the globe that do not participate in treaties to grant these fathers their paternal rights and help return those kids back home to the states. Repeatedly the camera pans to distraught fathers on a mission to be reunited with their babies. I'll admit that to date I've only seen White men featured in these news reports and it got me to wondering if maybe the key to bring about support and participation by Black and Latino men is to have baby mommas take the kids and leave the country to a place far, far away. Would Pablo suddenly appear on the Today Show pleading the return of his six kids to the states? Would Tyrell cry and beg that Katie Couric use her influence to have his four baby mommas bring Laisha, Ronquiece, Quaraisha and Lexus back to Wagner Houses? hmmm... The experiment is novel at best, but it begs the question of paternal rights and paternal drive.

On Blast
On average, are the Black and Latino communities doing enough to nurture the paternal drive in our boys?

Keep passin' the open windows...


Anonymous said...

you are fukk'n off the chain and need to be wrestled to the ground. I love all eight of my children and dare any of their mother's to step to me asking if they could see them after I fought tooth and nail in court preceedings to gain my rightful place in all of their lives.

fuzzy said...

I think not. I really believe that most fathers that are present just let their boys grow into whatever form of man they will grow into on their own with very little guidance. I believe as long as they are "present" and "providing" that's all the black and latino community is concerned with.