Friday, May 18, 2007

Morning Edition - 5/18/07

On Blast
Never too far away; I won’t let time erase one bit of yesterday. I’m quickly learning that the lows in my life have helped me to be sincerely grateful for the highs. As I look back on some of those bumps in the road, I recognize that each period served its purpose to polish me a bit more, grow a bit more and to have an open mind to new ideas and other perspectives.
Is there someone whom you didn’t get an opportunity to thank for polishing you on your journey? What would you say today?

Keep passin’ the open windows…


Anonymous said...

Only if you have been in the deepest valley, can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain. RMN

Darius T. Williams said...

Interesting...there are so many people to contribute to my polishing that it's hard to say. When I realize that someone had an impact on my life I take the time to say what I need to say as soon as I can. good thought though.

Anonymous said...

I would definitely have to thank my parents. Though we have not always seen eye to eye we have managed to find middle ground. It is interesting, because it is only the people who I have let close to me hurt me. Why is that? Those people have also inspired me? Why is that?

Very thought provoking. Thanks.

Joey Bahamas said...

So many parents, professors, my gay family, friends...whew. Sometimes we just have to sit back and say thanks....

Anonymous said...

