Thursday, March 30, 2006

Morning Edition - 3/30/06

Talent, Money and Suicide?
Whitney Houston’s sister-in-law, Tina Brown, came forward to the London Sun Times, revealing pictures and stories detailing the extensive drug addiction the, once-stunning, Houston now has. Tina says she’s doing it to save the artist who is headed for an overdose. She recounts instances where Houston purchased an eight-ball of cocaine, laced it with weed and smoked the entire concoction in a blunt. Tina also alleges that Houston is quickly depleting her fortune built on years of number one hits and a talent that was once simply described as, “the voice.” Houston is also said to disappear for days, sometimes a week at a time, when she is said to frequent crack dens in seedy neighborhoods. To think that Whitney Houston, a legend close to our hearts, would spiral into a life of paranoia, self-injury and is plummeting to an early grave, is unfathomable. Let’s take a moment to realize the importance of our lives. Houston is proving that money, talent, beauty and success are not everything. More importantly, all these things can vanish at the drop of a hat. Let’s pray for the life of our sister Whitney and accept all that is beautiful and real in our own lives.

When They’re Not Feeling You
This isn’t junior high school folks. You can’t please everyone. The truth is, you will come across folks that you click with instantly and others that just rub you the wrong way. As I look around at all the people I’ve met or reconnected with since my return to the Big Apple, it is very clear to me that I can’t – even won’t – be everything to everyone. The funny thing is, I was never the guy who gave two shakes what others thought about me. I couldn’t afford to do it then and I refuse to do it now. So, here’s the advice – taken and given – go ahead and do you. Don’t let people bring you down. The intention of social interactions is to help you share of yourself and add value to your life. When social interactions are stressful, bring drama or negatively impact your life, there is something wrong. It is not normal for your friends to consistently put you down, speak ill of you or not have your best interest at heart. Learn how to choose your acquaintances and friends, but more important, know when to drop those that don’t serve to grow your spirit. Life’s too short to force the issue of having everyone “feel” you.

Improving on Nature
You can work out seven days a week, eat a balanced diet, take good care of your skin and still dislike what you see in the mirror. Approximately 8.3 million Americans had some type of cosmetic procedure last year. Still, only 22% of those cosmetic procedures were surgical procedures, while 78% of the work done was non-surgical. The top three surgical procedures were liposuction, breast augmentation and eye lid surgery – in that order. The top three non-surgical fixer-uppers were Botox, laser hair removal and microdermabrasion. Minorities are now joining, the primarily White clientele, in getting those esteem-hindering flaws corrected. Whether you advocate the practice of “improving” on nature or you feel that each of our unique physical characteristics make us stand-out, it is statistically undeniable that Americans – rich and poor – are exploring the opportunity to revise the original.

On Blast
Duck, duck, swan. It’s important to feel your best as this will convey a confidence that draws others in. Whether it’s your professional, your personal or your romantic life, exuding charm and appeal with always propel you ahead. Is altering your appearance with cosmetic procedures something you would consider? Does it go against your moral beliefs to change what nature created? If you change what you were born with is it still the real you the world are seeing?

Keep passin’ the open windows…


Unknown said...

Oh honey… I’m not even going to sit here and front… the Lord has his hand in preventing me from winning any sort of Lottery because I will crack this grill up! I’d get Restylane to restore a youthful appearance to my face (look it up on the web, it’s the bomb), I’d definitely consider a minor eye refresher, I’d get Botox like I was at war and murdering every vile age-infested muscle in my face, I’d get collagen to keep my pink lips perky and I’d definitely have Whitney Houston’s teeth peeking from behind my full newly supple-fied lips. My body is still in good shape, so I suspect that if I can get my face to match it wouldn’t be so bad. Oh wait… I almost forgot, I’d get my belly button redone, I’d get laser hair removal so I wouldn’t have to shave anything I hate shaving and waxing now and I’d get my nose slightly slimmed at the base. Hold on!... almost forgot! I’d also get my feet retouched to insure they looked like I when I was 18 and I’d get microdermabrasion to my knees. …but that sounds like about it….. well, not really… I would maybe get minor lipo to guarantee that never in life would I see a love handle or abdominal fat tissue develop. Ummm… okay, we’ll hold right there… and revise the list later. I believe if the treatment and safe solutions are there to look and feel my best why not make use of them. True, you can age gracefully…but don’t mind me as I watch you age from afar….LOL

…and on the real Just Me, you’re apparently freakish azz don’t sound like the type to care about someone’s looks, rather how often you can get your freak on. Somehow your little comment about getting yours from Ms. Ed isn’t surprising, rather refreshing. Saddle up rider! I’ve done plenty of monster f*cks in my day and quite honestly, the ug-mugs tend to be the best in bed since they put in the most attention and effort. Here’s to f*ckin’ the un-f*ckable!

Unknown said...

I was just telling a friend of mine that he needs a penile lift... and he hung up... what's really going on?

Unknown said...

Okay, have you ever met a man who neeeded a nut lift? You know, when their nuts hang real low.