Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Morning Edition - 5/11/05

That’s Not The Way, Uh-huh, Uh-huh, He Liked It
KC of KC and the Sunshine Band took a six foot plunge off a Phoenix stage while performing Boogie Shoes during a Cinco de Mayo (May 5) performance there. The 54-year old lead singer required six stitches over his right eye and sprained his knee. KC and the Sunshine band have resumed their tour and are scheduled to appear in Florida and Georgia.

Poppa Can You Hear Me?!
Well Babs, I have the short answer for you – NO! My parents settled in, but not before the monster (I mean mom-ster...Freudian slip) insisted we do some late night food shopping at our local supermarket. One hour and eighty dollars later, we finished her idea of “light” grocery shopping. When we returned to my apartment, Dad, who is hearing impaired, relaxed to Telemundo loud enough to have our Mexican neighbors, two doors down, run out their backdoor into the cold night, following an INS news story they thought was happening live. Just as I prepared to fall into a deep and drug-induced sleep, I heard a faint bark outside that sounded like my baby, Busta. Mom has been reminded that 13 pound Miniature Schnauzers that own Burberry coats, do not sleep outdoors in NYC. My 7 a.m. therapy session went wonderful this morning and my therapist says that so long as I keep repeating to myself that my parents do not wish to have me committed – and adhere to the 3 blue and 1 purple pill twice daily while they’re here – I’ll be fine.

BWI Changes Name To Honor Marshall
Thurgood Marshall, the first African American to serve on the Supreme Court, was honored by Maryland Governor Robert Ehrlich yesterday when a bill was signed changing the name of BWI Airport to the Baltimore Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport. Hmmm… a mouth full! Why not just the Thurgood Marshall International Airport, ala Ronald Reagan International Airport in DC? Marshall was appointed to the bench in 1967 by President Lyndon Johnson.

Keep passin’ the open windows…


Unknown said...

Jeanine!! Did I mention she used a $150 plate over a cast iron pan as a pressure cooker last night!? Not only did she almost set my tiny apt. ablaze, she had my poor sister's hyperthyroid act-up from the adrenaline rush of all the bells and whistles! ...but you're right... I'm gonna miss my momma when she leaves.... when she leave... um... when she leaves... did I say that already? ...when she leaves. :)

Unknown said...

Hector I am running to the bathroom....Please STOP!!!!

Unknown said...

I'll keep y'all posted with the Afternoon Edition, but I'm rushing home to calm my English next door neighbor down. Apparently mom decided to hang hand washed underwear on a homemade line she devised and placed in full view of the entire neighborhood just after I left for the office. Needless to say, her noon time tea preparations in her patio had a full view of Puerto Rico flag emblazoned bloomers. Mom was not answering my calls. Donya, remind your mom I'm coming down and could use some mac and cheese as comfort food this weekend.

Unknown said...

Kim, that reminds me of when they honored my grandad in PR with The Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Clinic of Juncos Protestant Hospital's Undeverpriviledged Overprotected Native Puerto Ricans Pedro Cruz Wing. By the time the folks finally pronounced the third word in the name, and most didn't get to the third word, grandpa died of liver failure suffered during a cocaine overdose while at a native Rican religious convention. Go figure...

Anonymous said...

I think jeanine is on to something with that release thing but, I would follow it with reload and release one more, again. Parents are in our lives to remind us of what we could become if you don't focus our goal on true on happiness, lol. No, seriously, enjoy them while you can because before you know it they'll be back one more, again.